
ARKAD is Sweden's largest labour market fair in terms of number of exhibiting companies and committed students. The fair takes place at LTH and is arranged by Teknologkåren each year and it is also specifically targeted at its members, who are generally engineers, architects or industrial designers of some kind.

According to tradition, the fair extends over Wednesday and Thursday the second week of November. In connection with the fair there are also several exciting events such as lectures with invited speakers, visits to companies, lunch lectures, etc.

The primary purpose of ARKAD is to create a channel between the technologists and the labour market thereby:

  • Valuable contacts can be made

  • Students are made aware of potential future employers and which companies are on the market

  • The demand and supply of degree projects, summer jobs, trainee services and other forms of employment can be met

More information about ARKAD can be found on the following website:
