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About Teknologkåren

Teknologkåren at LTH is the student union for all those studying at Lunds tekniska högskola. As students' union our main purpose is to monitor and contribute to the development of education at LTH In addition to this, we have extensive business and leisure activities for you as a student to get valuable contacts for the future and have a fun study time, even outside school.

Operations are largely carried out in the eleven Guilds which are sub-organizations of Teknologkåren . Ten of the The Guilds are divided according to undergraduate programmes (civil engineering, bachelor's degree, architect and industrial design) and a Guild covers all LTH phD students. Teknologkåren also has a number of Committees and cooperative association that offer various opportunities for our members.



Teknologkåren works continuously to ensure that LTH's courses are of high quality. This is done, among other things, through the student councils at The Guilds, as well as through student representatives in LTH:s decision-making body. 

Teknologkåren also works with student influence at university and national level. This is done through various cooperation bodies such as LUS (Lund University's student unions), Reftec (a collaboration of the seven largest technology and science unions in Sweden) and SFS (Sweden's united student unions).


Teknologkåren worked to ensure that students at LTH gain insight into life as a professional, this is done by creating contact with working life during their studies. The business work is mainly conducted through two Committees, the Corporate Relations Committee, which runs the continuous business activities with theme weeks and lunch lectures, and ARKAD, which organizes a labor market fair for all LTH students.


Being a student at LTH is not only about studying hard but Teknologkåren also wants it to be fun! That's why there are a variety of activities throughout the year - balls, pub nights and bug courses are just a few examples. The Guilds offers many parties, but also sports activities and café activities. In addition, there are many associations linked to Teknologkåren that are involved in everything from singing to fireworks.


Teknologkåren is an organization with approximately 7,000 members. Teknologkåren is a democratic organization where members elect representatives to the Representative Council, which is the highest decision-making body of the organization. the Representative Council then elects The Union Board, which is responsible for the strategic part, Sabbatical Officers and committee chair, which is responsible for the operational part of the business. The operational activities are carried out through the Committees, which work on a variety of areas, including the implementation of the Unions introduction , maintenance of technology and premises, and activities to show appreciation to Teknologkårens officials. There is a Committees for everyone! If you want to know more about how Teknologkårens activities are governed and regulated, please refer to our Governing Documents.

A large part of Teknologkårens 's activities are carried out by The Guilds , which is a sub-organization of Teknologkåren. The Guilds also carries out a wide range of activities. Everything from study monitoring and café activities to parties and business contacts and much more.

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