Head of Education (HU)

Who are you?

My name is Vincent and I study Ecosystem Engineering. I started my time at LTH in 2020 and got to take part in the two pandemic closures as Nolla 2020 and Phøs 2021. At first, I had a hard time finding my place at LTH and I found the studies very tough. However, I found my place in the Section early on and have not stopped getting involved since then. I like to think that I am a joyful person who takes life with a kick in the pants, and it has worked very well so far because I have great people around me that I like very much.

Why did you apply for HU?

I hold the position of Chief Education Officer. After my year as President of W-sec 2022, my fuel tank for commitment was very empty and I was looking forward to spending all my time studying. This worked very well until I realized that I was a bit study-weary a few months after the end of the year. I felt that I needed something to devote myself wholeheartedly to that wasn't studying while giving me a different context than the section. It had not previously occurred to me to join The Union, but I must say that it was a very good decision.

What's been the most fun in your term of office ?

To be part of the wider Lund! Even though it is not directly written down, my position is largely external. Good relations with other student unions have benefited me in my work. All representation has been fun!

What has been most instructive during your term of office ?

The whole process of producing a joint submission from students to the Science Village local program was incredibly instructive. In addition to writing the report together with a Sabbatical Officers from LUNA (Lunds Naturvetarkår), it was a work that required writing opinions from many different parties in a way that I was not used to before. Writing texts in a way that is effective without removing important details has been very interesting to develop during my year.

What does your day-to-day business look like?

As Head of Education, you have three areas of responsibility: You are Teknologkårens the expert and spokesperson for LU's establishment Science Village at Brunnshög, representative for the PhD students at LTH and administratively responsible for the Education Committee. I sit in a lot of meetings with other student unions in Lund and in body at the faculty. There is a lot of reading to understand my responsibilities but also to prepare for meetings. Finally, there is an incredible amount of emailing, report writing and planning within the Education Committee.

Do you have anything you want to say to our readers?

As Head of Educational Affairs at Teknologkåren , you are responsible for focusing Teknologkårens educational impact. You will meet fun and passionate people in Lund's student life, discuss the future of research with the faculty leadership over a coffee and speak out on student issues in all kinds of contexts. The opportunities that this position offers are hard to beat!

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