Interview: Head of Introduction

Who are you?

Hello there!

My name is Sean and I have been Head of Introduction throughout the year. Otherwise, I'm a computer geek in my 5th year of college. I'm originally from Kalmar and once upon a time I used to do some swimming and triathlon. Nowadays it's mostly cooking and student engagement instead!

What's yours position And why did you apply for it?

I currently sit as Head of Introduction, which in practice means coordinating The Guilds via the College of Lords so that the Introduction is as good as possible! There will be a lot of dialogues with all possible parties from different directions, partly LTH, Sabbatical Officers and the sections' officials but also external actors.

I applied for the post because I wanted to be involved in the Introduction again and because I felt I had a lot to contribute in terms of how everyone involved communicates and understands each other, which required me to learn a lot about how to deal with people in tricky situations where not everyone really agrees with each other. It's a very rewarding skill to have, so if you believe in the words "learning by doing", there's no better chance!

What's been the most fun in your term of office ?

The community within ØPK and Fhøben, there is something extra nice in seeing all Guilds working together so intensely for the Introduction.

What has been most instructive during your term of office ?

It's hard to say. You deal with a lot of people with different opinions, which is very instructive, while I've also learned to be very structured in how I plan my time.

What does your day-to-day business look like?

Before the Introduction , you're mostly in meetings, in the mailbox digging or in the full-time office finding out things people want to know. Under the Introduction that still applies, but you also organise various events such as lunchbeats and missions together with NollU and of course you get to go to lots of Gasquer!

Do you have anything you want to say to our readers?