Head of Internal Educational Affairs (UI)


Who are you?

My name is Erik Bengtsson and I am 25 years old and have studied 4 years at Technical Physics. I come from a small town in Skåne called Svedala. When I don't work at Teknologkåren I play the trumpet in Alte Kamereren.

Why did you apply for UI?

I sit as Head of Internal Educational Affairs which means that I am responsible for all basic education monitoring for Teknologkåren, i.e. everything except the doctoral programs. This means that I take care of complaints, sit in the decision-making body where we make decisions that affect all undergraduate programs and that I, together with my Education colleagues, coordinate Teknologkårens education opinions.

I applied for the post because I think it's fun to influence my Education and after I had been Student Council President for technical physics and had to influence the education for my entire program, I wanted to be involved in influencing the education for the entire LTH.

What's been the most fun in your term of office ?

Being able to sit and make decisions for the entire LTH and have their opinions heard by LTH's management is great fun. But otherwise, helping students with problems in courses is what I think is most fun about the job.

What has been most instructive during your term of office ?

Learning what can be changed and what is much more difficult to change. Everything can be changed, but a lot of things that seem trivial and very easy to change only LTH comply with Swedish legislation. For example, something that a large part of the students had seen as an improvement and which LTH is positive may not be possible to change at the local level and then you have to try to find ways to influence the parliament and the government.

What does your day-to-day business look like?

In a day, I do everything from answering emails and dealing with student complaints to sitting in meetings on everything from quality work with programs to strategy meetings with my Education colleagues on how to influence LTH.

Do you have anything you want to say to our readers?

If you enjoy raising complaints and making improvements for other students based on their evidence, then you should apply to UI!

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